Res. Wheat

- Priod of spike emergence-58-60 days
- Average plant height- 107-110 cm.
- Profuse tilliring habit
- Highly tolerant to brown Rust
- Per 1000 garin weight -53gm
- Per spike greater no. of grain and terminal heat tolerant
- Suitable for wheat- cotton crop rotation.
- High yielding variety.

- Priod of spike emergence-58-60 days
- Average plant height- 107-110 cm.
- Profuse tilliring habit
- Highly tolerant to brown Rust
- Bold, tiny, and lasture grain.
- Per spike greater no. of grain and terminal heat tolerant
- Suitable for wheat- cotton crop rotation.
- Yield 1900-2100kg/Acre.
Certified Wheat
- Bold oblong seeded
- Medium early Maturity 110-115Days.
- Tolerant to Lodging
- Height 90-95cm.
- 1000 seed wt. 43-47g.
- No. of tillers 12-15
- Spike length 10-12cm.
- Yield 1900-2100kg/Acre.
- Bold round seeded
- Medium Maturity 110-115Days.
- Tolerant to Lodging
- Height 110-120 cm.
- 1000 seed wt. 45-49g.
- No. of tillers 15-18.
- Spike length 10-12cm.
- Yield 1900-2100kg/Acre.
- Bold oblong seeded
- Medium early Maturity 110-115Days.
- Tolerant to Lodging
- Height 90-95cm.
- 1000 seed wt. 43-47g.
- No. of tillers 15-18
- Spike Danse, length 12-15cm.
- Yield 1900-2100kg/Acre.
- Bold seeded
- Early Maturity 100-110Days.
- Tolerant to Lodging
- Height 65-80cm.
- 1000 seed wt. 43-47g.
- No. of tillers 10-12.
- Spike length 10-11cm.
- Yield 1500-1800kg/Acre.
- Bold seeded
- Medium early Maturity 110-115Days.
- Tolerant to Lodging
- Height 90-110cm.
- 1000 seed wt. 45-52g.
- No. of tillers 12-15
- Spike length 12-15cm.
- Yield 1900-2100kg/Acre.